R-PMO (Realtime Performance MOnitoring)

R-PMO was the first application that was introduced in the family. Its main purpose is to present data in real-time. Realtime is achieved by letting the event data stream continuously to the OSS from the BSCs,and updating the OSS GUI once every minute.
The performance data that can be evaluated in real-time includes traffic load, service quality, hand over, GPRS/EGPRS cell reselection performance, GPRS/EGPRS data throughput and more. The measures are called Monitors.
The monitors are combined into reports. Several pre-defined Ericsson Standard Reports for both circuit switched and packet switched traffic performance monitoring are available. The user can also assemble monitors into own reports by using drag and drop.

A wide range of filters can be used on monitors, depending on the nature of the monitor. As an example the performance information for circuit switched traffic can be filtered per MS manufacturer and type, and the dropped calls can be filtered per drop reason.

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