Let us now understand the difference between transmission and communication. Transmission means physical movement of information from one point to another. Communication means meaningful exchange of information between the communicating devices.
Two persons, one knowing English language only and the other knowing French language only cannot communicate with each other.
Here transmission is taking place, but communication is not there. Therefore, for communication, we need much more than the transmission. For communication, we must have the same language, i.e. Data codes should be understood both by transmitter and the receiver. Moreover, receiver should be in a position to receive, i.e. Timing is also very important.
We have two types of communication :
(1)               Synchronous Communication.
(2)               Asynchronous Communication.
Synchronous Communication
In Synchronous communication the exchange of information is in a well disciplined manner, e.g. if A want to send some information to B, it can do so only when B permits it to send. Similarly, vice-versa is true. There is complete synchronisation of dialogues, i.e. each message of the dialogue is either a command or a response. Physical transmission of data may be in synchronous or asynchronous mode already decided between A and B.
Asynchronous Communication
In Asynchronous communication the exchange of information is in less disciplined manner, e.g. A and B can send messages whenever they wish to do so. Physical transmission of data may be in synchronous / asynchronous mode.

Thus, we see that Simplex Transmission is one way communication (OW), Half Duplex Transmission is two way Alternate Communication (TWA), and Full Duplex Transmission is two way Simultaneously Communication (TWS).


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