Ericsson Counter : Dynamic Overlaid/Underlaid Subcell
HOAATOL Number of handover attempts from underlaid to overlaid subcell. The corresponding counter for handover tounderlaid subcell is called HOAATUL . HOSUCOL Number of successful assignment attempts to overlaid subcell. The corresponding counter for underlaid subcell is called HOSUCUL . HOATTULMAXIHO Number of handover attempts from OL to UL subcell due to maximum number of intracell handovers in OL subcell. HOSUCULMAXIHO Number of successful handover attempts from OL to UL subcell due to maximum number of intracell handovers in OL subcell. HOATTOLMAXIHO Number of handover attempts from UL to OL subcell due to maximum number of intracell handovers in UL subcell. HOSUCOLMAXIHO Number of successful handover attempts from UL to OL subcell due to maximum number of intracell handovers in UL subcell. LOLCOMUL Subcell change attempts from OL to UL when reaching LOL criteria for subcell change. LOLSUCUL Successful subcell changes from OL to UL when the LOL criter